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Does God care about rising sea levels?

What does the Bible say about caring for creation?

Climate Anxiety is rising
Climate change is making this generation anxious. A survey of over 10,000 children in 2021 showed that 59% of children were “extremely worried” about climate change. Some people aren’t sure that humans can do much about climate change, others think we need to change the way we live quickly.

So, does God care about climate change and rising sea levels?

Professor of Polar Geodesy (expert in Antarctic sea ice) Matt King spoke to Deeper Questions about what he thinks is happening in climate science. He also believer in Jesus and thinks that the Bible calls us to be stewards of the earth.

1. The Climate is changing
Matt King has published over 100 articles in his field and draws upon data going back to the 1800s proving that sea levels have changed. Measuring tides for travel and trade means we have nearly two hundred years of data on sea levels.

2. This change is already affecting people's homes
As sea ice melts, the change in sea levels happens slowly, these apparently small changes are significant over time. Every year, pacific islanders are evacuated during storms, with a change of a few hundred metres submerging their villages and islands.

3. Climate change impacts the poorest members of society
We may feel like climate change is far away and won’t affect us, but many people in low lying coastal areas are amongst some of the poorest members of society.

What does the Bible say about the environment?

We know that sea levels are rising and the significant impact on the world.

But does God care about rising sea levels? Should we?

The answer comes from the beginning and end of the Bible -

in Genesis 2:15 God made people to take care of the world and in Revelation 11:8 God reminds us he will judge those who destroy the earth.

There’s many different views on climate change and what we should do about it, but God mandated that we care for the earth and promised to judge those who destroy it.

Jesus is master of the wind and the waves and he’s calling us to care about the world, the disadvantaged and to live in ways that benefit the earth.

To hear more from Matt King about climate change, listen to the full episode of Deeper Questions HERE

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