Deeper Questions Episode 5: "Does God care about rising sea levels?"
Climate Change continues to be an incredibly daunting, complex and multifaceted challenge for the future of our planet. It’s an important conversation to be having as individuals, in government, in community groups and in the private sector. But where to start? There’s so much to comprehend, and plenty of directions you can go to learn more. Today we thought we’d start with the poles, and what rising temperatures mean for Antarctica and our oceans in particular.
Matt King is the Professor of Polar Geodesy at the University of Tasmania and Director of the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science. Much of his work has focused on the changing Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and the subsequent impact this is having on sea levels. Matt has published more than 140 scientific journal publications, and his research has been recognised by the award of medals from the Royal Society of London and the Australian Academy of Sciences
Other References:
- "Antarctica’s heart of ice has skipped a beat. Time to take our medicine" by Edward Doddridge in the Conversation 18/4/23
- "Record low Antarctic sea ice is another alarming sign the ocean’s role as climate regulator is changing" by Craig Stevens in the Conversation 5/5/23
Got questions?
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Feel free to suggest potential guests or topics as well. No doubt there are heaps of important ideas and stories out there worth hearing!
Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios
#antarctica, #argofloats, #climatechange, #climatedenial, #creationcare, #faith, #glaciers, #greenwashing, #icebergs, #icesheets, #loveneighbour, #satellite, #science, #sealevels
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