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Gillian Asquith
Gillian Asquith
Is there a difference between Good Friday and Easter Sunday? What is their relevance in our current age?
Gillian Asquith
What is Good Friday? What is Easter? and their relevance?
Gillian Asquith
Is the Bible a bunch of Chinese whispers that has been tampered with? How can we trust it?
Gillian Asquith
Sam Reeve
Kenny Koay
Dave Kranjec
Confronting four of life's biggest questions
Gillian Asquith
What are we to make of the differences between the accounts of the Christmas story of Jesus?
Gillian Asquith
Lecturer Gillian Asquith unpacks the evidence
Gillian Asquith
What are we to make of the differences between the accounts of the Christmas story of Jesus?
Gillian Asquith
Rob Buckingham
John Hudson
Mike Bird
Tracy Trinita
Is the Bible brimming with lies? We test an implicit prediction that the Bible makes