4.5 out 5 stars
Being shushed in the movie theatre took on a whole new meaning in 2018 with John Krasinski’s A Quiet Place release. This ground-breaking film set a new standard for horror by setting the bar for its profoundly influential sound editing work. It is no wonder that a sequel would be ordered for this dystopian thriller. Yet, no one could have anticipated it being delayed for a year due to the pandemic. Not to worry, despite being set on a shelf for a time, this film did not become outdated. It merely grew the anticipation for the continuing adventures of the Abbott family.
When we last saw Evelyn (Emily Blunt) and her children, they were left on the farm with the knowledge of how to defeat the alien invaders and that there were other human survivors. As they figure out how to get on with life without Lee (Krasinski) to protect them, the family decides to make the journey to find these fellow people. This leads them outside of the familiar aspects of their existence into uncharted territory that seems abandoned until they come upon a former neighbour, Emmett (Cillian Murphy). Each of them needs to determine if they will help one another and whether they should answer a mysterious call coming over the airwaves that plays the song Beyond the Sea.
To give more would spoil the tightly-knit storyline that captures the mysterious and engrossing elements of the original. Krasinski provides us with the backstory that we need to introduce new characters without overloading the existing narrative. There is more given about the extra-terrestrial invasion, but just enough to show how quickly the devastation occurred worldwide. This means that this next chapter is allowed to develop depth without over-explaining the plight of the Abbotts and humanity.
Some of the significant changes of this volume of A Quiet Place go from the parents to the children. With a baby in tow, the older children need to step up in responsibilities and tap into their skills built into their lives since the invasion. Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe take up the mantle of leading this family into their future. It is in their character development that the majority of the story lies. Through this component the suspense is allowed to grow and fester within the screenplay. Simmonds is marvelous and proves her capabilities as an actress despite some of the limitations of being deaf. Even though Blunt and Murphy are excellent in their roles, they both take more supporting roles in this film.
A Quiet Place II becomes one of the best sequels in any franchise and may prove to be one of the best films of this bizarre year for cinemas. Krazinski’s creation is a must-see and can only be truly appreciated in the surround sound of your local theatre. Just be conscious of those around you and quietly eat your popcorn, shhhh.
REEL DIALOGUE: What do you do with your ‘abilities?’
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14
In ancient times and even in some cultures today, someone like Millicent Simmonds would be left to die on the side of the road. Due to her deafness, she would have been considered to have no value to add to society. Thankfully in this modern era, Millicent was given a chance to prove that she did have something to offer the world as an actress and person.
One element of the teachings of Jesus that reflected Psalm 139 shows that God values each and every one of us.
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31
Jesus is saying that God does care about his creation, but more importantly, he cares about each person on earth. Each man and woman has value and even though he knows every sparrow and where it falls, mankind's value exceeds the sparrows. To the point that God cares so much about humanity. He knows the numbers of each of our hairs and has provided a means to spend eternity with him.
This all means that regardless of your life experience or situation, you are valued by God.