4 out of 5 stars
It is called a hustle, sweetheart - Nick Wilde
Popcorn, M&Ms, and a large drink...
Roll the film... In a world of animals, who are the real predators?
Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) has desired to be a police officer since she was a primary school bunny. Even though rabbits have never ventured into the world of law enforcement, this energised bunny thinks anything could happen in the world of Zootopia. After overcoming overwhelming odds, she reaches her dream of being on the force in the city of animal dreams. Soon after her arrival, reality hits. Being on the police force in this city of diverse species begins to break through her aspirational veneer and almost brings her to the point of despair. Then there is a glimmer of hope and she is presented with a door of opportunity to solve a missing person (or animal) case. With minimal resources and only one lead, she finds herself in an unlikely partnership with a worldly fox, Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman). Through their investigation, they must overcome the internal and external prejudices of this beastly community to get to the bottom of the case of a missing otter. A case that leads them to a even bigger conspiracy with the potential to implode this creature paradise.
Refreshing. It is a simple statement about this original concept from Disney Animation. It is refreshing to experience a new concept from the studios that seems relegated to a multitude of sequels and live-action versions of their film catalogue. From the creative team that brought audiences the best new animated tales in recent memory like Bolt, Wreck-It Ralph and Tangled, directors Byron Howard and Rich Moore have developed an exciting new world for everyone from adults to teens to children. This winning directing and writing combination opens the door to a world that is rich with potential new adventures for many years to come. The writing and voice-acting provides laugh out loud humour from some of the funniest clips in cinemas this year from the animal naturalist club to the sloth DMV. Yet, they manage to pull on the heart strings of familial ties, friendship and the pursuit of the greater good.
If these components were not fresh enough, the script delivers a story that centres on a life lesson without being too heavy handed. Children should be able to see that the differences in people should be celebrated and not feared. An added bonus lesson comes in the reality check of the 'you can be all that you want to be' mantra that pervades western society. The hope of being able to achieve life's ambitions is not deterred, but it is coupled with the message that many times to reach these goals perspiration does have to exceed inspiration. Judy Hopps does personify (rabbit-ify) the need to persevere with life's ambitions and to make the needed adjustments to achieve these goals. Along with the lessons for the children, parents will be able to smirk at the references to The Godfather, Breaking Bad and Arrested Development without being concerned with corrupting the child-like innocence presented by the storyline.
Parents and children alike will enjoy Zootopia. Also, unlike many films that get classified for specific genders, there is something for boys and girls in this new Disney world of mammals. The House of Mouse has managed to get back to delivering entertainment that is well-written, entertaining and for the whole family.
Reel Dialogue: What are the bigger questions to consider from this film?
Colossians 3:11 - In this new life, it doesn't matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilised, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.
When did diversity become a negative word? Unfortunately, the interpretation of this word has become watered down to the point of insignificance. Yet, when it comes to the the heart of the Gospel, diversity is given life, depth and value. Jesus welcomes all to have a relationship with him regardless of background or history. He welcomes all for salvation.
1. What does the Bible say about confidence?
2. Does God care about our goals?
Dad asked the question on the ride home, 'What did we think of the film?'
Pre-teen: I loved it! It was funny and I loved Flash.
Young adult: It was really funny and the animation was incredible.
Overall: It may not be as accessible to younger viewers (hence the crying child sitting behind me throughout the session), but otherwise there are no issues with Zootopia. Great story, rich characters and dare I say it again, refreshing.