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Russ Matthews
Ben McEachen
Are these films worth your time? Join the discussion
Russ Matthews
Will the novel's fanbase love the film?
Russ Matthews
What would you do if you were trapped by your secret life?
Caleb Boersma
Russ Matthews
An absurd “true story” that while fun, never fully grips the audience beyond the action
Kate Bracks
Learn about Masterchef winner Kate Bracks' Masterchef journey and her Christian faith
Michael Jensen
What's so funny?
Michael Jensen
Does it all end in tears?
Russ Matthews
Does the ends justify the means?
Al Stewart
If you thought your family was dysfunctional, you should hear about Jesus' family background
Robert Martin
Andrew Laird
Is it important to have good friends?
Al Stewart
How much of our life can we really control? Jesus' answer may disturb you, but it may also be the path to peace and joy
Robert Martin
Four questions to help diagnose your busyness