Big Bang? | Third Space

Big Bang?

February 18th's Q&A programme could have been a Big Bang. But is was ultimately a show about "nothing".
Thu 21 Feb 2013

The Q&A programme on the ABC that will air on Monday, 18 February 2013 features (among others) Professor Lawrence Krauss and Dr John Dickson. Krauss is a noted cosmologist and physicist, and Dickson an historian and advocate of Christianity.

Cosmology is a discipline that lies at the intersection of physics, history and theology. So it will be fascinating to watch Krauss' and Dickson's interchange, since their interests and careers span these disciplines, even though their specialties are quite different.

No doubt Krauss will argue that developments in modern physics suggest a creation event is not necessary, and there is no need to invoke a Creator to explain the universe. And no doubt Dickson would disagree.

I hope that the conversation takes a path where both men can contribute meaningfully to the discussion. I see that path might involve an exploration of historical questions.

Cosmology deals with historical questions, as it uses present-day observations of the universe to infer what was it's history in the beginning.

And Christianity is an historical faith, founded on the events surrounding Jesus. Christians understand that these events demonstrate the Creator takes an interest in us. If true, that must shape our lives in the present.

I'm eagerly looking forward to Monday night!