Mentorship forge people together | Third Space

Mentorship forge people together

Sun 22 Sep 2024
Bible reference(s): Proverbs 27:17

Have you heard the proverb, Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another

This verse is the basis for the screenplay of, The Forge; a movie where we can see an example of Biblical mentorship.

A relationship where one man directs another’s path for his development and for the benefit of their community. Amongst all of the relationships within this film, their friendship purposely leads to some of the most endearing story elements.

Did you know that mentorship is seen throughout the Bible?

Jesus had his disciples, but a fascinating study can be found in the coaching relationship between Paul and Timothy. The apostle wrote some of the most personal letters to his trainee. These men set a precedence for the value of an older individual investing in the life of someone younger.

Have you taken the time to consider Biblical mentorship in your life and how it genuinely benefits you and others?
