Table 19 | Third Space

Table 19

Decline with no regrets
Wed 19 Jul 2017

1 out of 5 stars

For those who have experienced more than one wedding reception in their lifetime, this is the film that tries to explain how the seating is chosen. Even those most optimistic in attendance have to ask the question, "How did I get seated at this table?" This quirky romantic comedy provides the answer that we all know the answer, but do not want to admit. This realisation may be painful for some and obvious to others, but the pain of this explanation cannot be as agonising as experiencing Table 19.

Like most weddings, the bride spends countless hours planning the perfect day. Every detail is scrutinised and organised. One of the most agonising elements is the seating at the wedding reception. Who is seated by whom and who is seated closest to the bridal party have to be considered. Eloise (Anna Kendrick) had been part of all of the wedding planning for her best friend Francie (Rya Meyers) and was the maid of honour. Everything was going along beautifully as the day was getting closer, but Eloise’s boyfriend breaks up with her. Despite it being heartbreaking, it complicates everything. Teddy (Wyatt Russell) was not only her boyfriend, but Francie’s brother and the best man. Which means Eloise was out of the bridle party and had to decide if she would attend the wedding. After a back and forth process of decision making, she finally decides to go and finds that she has been placed at the worst table at the reception, the infamous Table 19.

Anna Kendrick teams up again with director Jeffrey Blitz (Rocket Science) to deliver this unique perspective on the wedding ceremony. What looks like a promising and fresh perspective on this painful and familiar storyline, quickly becomes a mess on the dance floor. Blitz provides each character the opportunity to develop through a montage of back stories that culminate at the infamous table placement. Each with different expectations of the uncomfortable ritual of honouring the newly married couple. From the desperate single cousin to the fresh out of prison nephew to the forgotten nanny of the bride’s youth, they all come with varied back grounds, but all have something in common. They were invited to the wedding, but the hope of the bride’s family was for them to decline the invitation after sending a gift. When this realisation hits them all, the hijinks begin and the inevitable wedding ceremony disasters ensue. This could have led to another redundant rom-com, but it leads to the rest of their back stories to unfold. This should have led to endearing and hopeful moments, but instead it becomes an uncomfortable and unappealing set of circumstances.

Leaving the comedic talents of Stephen Merchant (Logan), Lisa Kudrow (The Girl on the Train) and Craig Robinson (This Is The End) left to slapstick comedy that is like watching the awkward uncle at the ceremony dancing with the bride. When considering your cinematic options this weekend and if Table 19 makes the list. Stop for a moment. Merely think of the most awkward wedding situation in your life. You know the one where your aunts were dancing on the tables, you were hit on by the groomsman with bad breath or your mother forced you to wear that horrible tuxedo. Keep that at the forefront of your mind when you are about to purchase the ticket to see this film on line and tick the box that says, ‘decline with regrets.’

REEL DIALOGUE: What are some of the bigger questions to consider from this film?

These questions are designed for people to discuss the film in a more meaningful manner. Not to take away the enjoyment of the film, but to take the conversation and your relationship a bit deeper. If you still choose to attend Table 19, at least you can enjoy the conversation afterwards.

  1. What happened when Jesus showed up at a wedding? His first public miracle… John 2:1-11…. He gave them the best gift!
  2. What does Christianity offer when someone is going through difficult times? (Psalm 50:15, Philippians 4:6-8, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
  3. What value are the elderly in our society? (Proverbs 16:31, Job 12:12)
