What would Jesus say to the one who has it all | Third Space

What would Jesus say to the one who has it all

In this talk we see Jesus meet a man who is incredibly rich. At one level he seems like someone who has it all, but does he?

What would Jesus say to the one who has it all

In this talk we see Jesus meet a man who is incredibly rich. At one level he seems like someone who has it all, but does he?
Wed 20 Feb 2019
Bible reference(s): Luke 19:1-10

How much would you need in order to be content? We don't usually think of ourselves as someone who has it all. 'The one who has it all' is usually someone else, someone who has things at least a little bit better than we do. However, on a global scale, we are likely to be considered 'someone who has it all' simply by living in our city.

This week, we see Jesus meet a man who is incredibly rich. At one level he seems like someone who has it all, but it still isn't enough. Come and listen to what Jesus says to him – and maybe we can find the same message of hope and contentment.
