Subdue or sustain? A Christian response to environmentalism

Ep 21: Subdue or sustain? A Christian response to environmentalism

Does the Bible prevent or contribute to environmental care?
Sun 28 Jun 2015
Bible reference(s): Genesis 1:26-28

In this episode, host Robert Martin speaks with James Hornby (pastor St Jude's in Parkville) about conservation and the Scriptures. In an entertaining discussion they talk about the lumberjack song, James' experience as a silviculturalist and the Scriptures. A great conversation about a biblical response to environmentalism.

This episode of Bigger Questions was recorded under the show's previous title 'Logos Live', in Melbourne at St Jude's Anglican Church in Parkville's 5pm congregation in November 2014. The date above is the original broadcast date on LightDigital.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels