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Succession in a Broken World

Which leader do you trust in for the future?
Succession in a Broken World

Recently, my husband and I have been watching a show called Succession. It's an addictive show—the rise and fall of power between a cast of characters in a family, all striving for power in the media world.

And it gets messy.

Just when you think one character is capable of moral good, the illusion is quickly snatched away by their own insecurities and delusions. Characters are driven to breaking point and self-sabotage any meaningful relationships in their life.

The TV show is indicative of the revolving door of leaders we're used to in our society.

Some are outrightly corrupt. Others may keep their selfish motives hidden. But God promises us a leader in Jesus, who is sinless and full of love.

In God's kingdom, there is no more succession of leaders as Jesus sits on the throne forever.

hat a contrast Jesus is to every human leader this world has ever seen or ever will see.

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