Imagination is a Gift from God
Are you a Star Wars fan? An international team of astronomers recently discovered a planetary system which resembles Tatooine, the home of Luke Skywalker. Its distinctive feature is a planet within this system which orbits around not one, but two suns. Moments like this tickle our imagination.
What if all that we could imagine could come true?
The Bible calls us to imagine a world where there is no more pain and suffering. Where everyone treats one another with honour, respect and love. Where injustice has been dealt with, once and for all.
When life feels hard, our imagination helps us to escape our reality.
However, God calls us to put our imagination and hope into something real. Jesus has defeated death and calls us to begin our life with Him today. Perhaps we need to let our imagination run wild at the possibility that
the one who made all the planets and stars is the same God who wants a personal relationship with us.