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I'm Vengeance

Who's your favourite Batman?

Who’s your favourite Batman?

Christian Bale, Micheal Keaton or are you nostalgic and love television’s Adam West? Regardless of which one you like, you have to admit he has changed.

From Biff, Pow to saying, I’m Batman. Makes you in your boots a bit, doesn't it?

Yet in the most recent film his tagline was ‘I’m Vengeance.’ Hmmm.. That changes things, he goes from being an agent of justice to condoning revenge. There is a fine line between justice and revenge.

In the Bible we can hear God say, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God, for he has said that he will repay those who deserve it.

Unlike Batman, God sees all things and will avenge all wrongs in his time and way. Why is that comforting?

Because ultimately, God determines what is right and wrong. He is the one who can avenge wrongs and administer justice.

Why? Because his tagline is I am God.

Bible reference(s):
Romans 12:19