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Embracing Grey Hair

The sign of experience and wisdom

I recently heard Australian TV presenter, Sonia Krueger, talk about the prospect of getting grey hair, and she found it 'scary'. She is in her late 50's, and is incredible shape, but was quoted as saying that people who wear grey were "far braver" than her. She admitted to preferring getting a teeth extraction than seeing her natural hair colour.

It's understandable to not want grey hair; grey is a sign of age and it's less attractive in our modern world.

Yet, in the Bible, there is a sense in which grey hair is prized. The Old Testament wisdom book of Proverbs says:

"The glory of young men is their strength, grey hair the splendour of the old."

Grey hair is a sign of experience, of wisdom, of dealing well with life.

And maybe embracing this wisdom could help people overcome the fear of the grey?

Bible reference(s):
Proverbs 20:29
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