Controlling The Weather
I'm obsessed with the weather. I've got one app for predicting what's about to happen, another which shows me what is currently happening with rain fall, and then of course, there's my weather station in the backyard which sends all sorts of information to my phone.
Now, part of me finds all that interesting, but I wonder if part of me likes having all that information so it feels a little bit like I'm in control.
If I can know that's going to happen or what has happened, I won't get caught out.
But the fact is I don't have any control over the weather—it'll do what it's going to do regardless of how much (or little) I know.
It's at times like this I'm thankful for a God who does control everything, and who also loves me.
Because it means that whatever comes my way He knows, and is in control, and promises to use it for my good.
So let's not kid ourselves that we're ultimately in control; but trust in the One who actually is.
As for my weather I just keep that as a hobby.