What would Jesus say to the Calm & Sensible | Third Space

What would Jesus say to the Calm & Sensible

Is it always good to be calm and sensible?
Wed 26 Feb 2020
Bible reference(s): Mark 10:46-52

It is nice to get to the end of your day with a minimum of fuss. Drama and conflict can be entertaining... but not when you are embroiled in them and they stop you from doing what you need to or when they make the daily commute awkward.

Many of us get through our days by being calm & sensible. We try to maintain the equilibrium of the system we are in. More than that, we can have a tendency to stop those around us who disrupt the equilibrium of the system we happily exist in.

But is it always good to be calm and sensible?

At Bible Shots we consider what Jesus said to his followers when their day was disrupted by someone who was acting in a manner that was anything but calm or sensible. At final week in this series Sam Chan helps us to consider “What would Jesus say to the calm & sensible?”
