The new reality in the job market | Third Space

The new reality in the job market

Tue 28 Jul 2020

In this meeting Daniel Gauchat has kindly agreed to share some thoughts with us. Daniel is a mentor and coach to CEOs in Australia. He has worked with leaders across many industries. Most of them are, but not exclusively, with large organisations. He does this with a few partners in a boutique firm called the Adelante Group. Prior to this, Daniel spent 18 years in one of world’s largest executive search firms, where he was for a time the Global Chairman. In his early career, he did have a “real job”, as an executive in companies such as Grace Industrial Chemicals, SGS Group and the Coca-Cola Company.

As Daniel is very connected with the leaders of businesses currently, it would be interesting to hear his thoughts on where things are at given our circumstances with Covid, and how leaders are looking at the market.