How to Thrive in an Ever Changing World | Third Space

How to Thrive in an Ever Changing World

The Ultimate ‘How to’ Guide…
Thu 7 Nov 2019
Bible reference(s): Daniel 1

What do you do when you come under pressure for your beliefs in a foreign land? Three ex-pats recently had this experience: ‘I have seen him before, but haven’t actually spoken to him. I could tell by his raised voice that something was up, no one raises their voice here, it’s a cultural no no. He, in an accusatory tone, asked the group what they were doing. Were they just reading for reading’s sake, teaching the visitors (us three expats) about Islam, or were they seeking to go into competition with Islam; a big accusation. That’s when things got interesting…’. How can we survive (and even thrive) as we live increasingly ‘foreign’ lives in our home city? Dr Sam Chan explore this tension at City Legal.
