Gentleness: an essential virtue for isolation | Third Space

Gentleness: an essential virtue for isolation

An essential virtue that would help you cope with isolation but have we underrated this virtue?
Wed 15 Apr 2020
Bible reference(s): Matthew 5:39-48

If you had to pick an essential virtue that would help you cope with isolation and the challenges that it brings us day by day what would you choose?

I doubt many of us would have put gentleness at the top of our list but Peter Orr thinks that gentleness is an essential virtue, not just for isolation but for life generally. In this talk we consider this surprising but underrated and essential virtue.

If you are feeling ill-equipped to deal with the challenges that we are now facing on a daily basis, Bible Shots and City Bible Forum are here to help as we learn some essential but perhaps surprising tools that the Bible gives us for times like these.
