Artificial Intelligence - How A.I. unlocks the future Part 1 | Third Space

Artificial Intelligence - How A.I. unlocks the future Part 1

Watch Craig Price, expert in data science take the topic of AI to The Edge
Fri 24 May 2019

Listen to Edge speaker, Craig Price as he takes this topic to The EDGE.

Craig’s role at Suncorp in the world of artificial intelligence makes him perfectly qualified to consider the technical side of possible future and the implications it will have for our lives.

Artificial intelligence influences our everyday lives - from easy autotext to creepy tailored ads to complex algorithms that replicate the human brain.

As boundaries blur and new horizons open, A.I.’s existence is exciting, confounding and concerning all at the same time.

Where might A.I. take us and what does it mean for you as an intelligent human being?

Speaker: Craig Price is the Executive Manager of Data Science at Suncorp. He is a qualified actuary with more than 25 years experience in the financial services sector. The intersection of Christianity and science has been a personal interest of his for some time. Outside of work he is passionate about Christian education and international development.