Why can't I see God? | Third Space

Why can't I see God?

A scientist shares his story
Sun 21 Jun 2020
Bible reference(s): John 1.18, Hebrews 1.1-3

After Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made the first voyage in space the leader of the Soviet Union said, "Gagarin flew into space and didn’t see any God there." Why can't I see God?

We ask this question to Dr Tim Hinks (physician & scientist) where Tim shares about his love of science and the challenges he faced as a rational person believing in something he couldn't see. Was there evidence for God? We ask Dr. Tim Hinks some Bigger Questions.

You can see the YouTube video Tim refers to here: Bronchoscopy Procedure - See inside the lungs!

This episode was recorded privately at the Doherty Institute in Melbourne in June 2017. This episode was originally broadcast and released on 19th November 2017, hence the absence of an episode number.

Check out the video from our Monday night Facebook Premiere (you can still access the video after the Premiere). Perhaps you could tag or share it with someone on Facebook?

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