Why do we love karaoke? | Third Space

Why do we love karaoke?

We all want to sing
Sat 6 Aug 2022


Bible reference(s): Revelation

It is a nerve wracking or embarrassing experience for many.

But there is something enjoyable about standing up amidst friends and singing uplifting and inspiring songs. It’s fun to make a joyful noise.

Yet it’s interesting just how much singing features as a part of the Bible’s vision for the

In the final book of the Bible, Revelation, there are multiple images of God’s people standing in community and singing. They’re not singing popular songs or karaoke favourites, but instead singing to the Lord God praising his marvellous deeds, his holy character and the greatness of his salvation.

So maybe it’s natural for us to sing, even about things which really matter - and so maybe our love for karaoke points us to this ultimate experience of heavenly singing.

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