A radical approach to annoying colleagues  | Third Space

A radical approach to annoying colleagues 

Can you turn the other cheek in the office?
Sun 24 Apr 2022

A radical approach to annoying colleagues

It’s often said the hardest part of any job is not the job itself, but the people we work with.

Everyone has that annoying colleague…and to be honest, one of our colleagues probably thinks that about us too!

How should we respond?

Well we could quit our job…but we’re only going to end up being annoyed by new colleagues elsewhere

Or we could try and get even…but that never ends well

Rather there’s a third way

Turn the other cheek, and act with kindness and generosity

It’s radical, it’s not easy, but in my experience it often has an amazing impact

To be treated with kindness when you don’t deserve it can soften even the hardest heart

I should know - that’s how God treats me
