The Princess Bride and marriage | Third Space

The Princess Bride and marriage

Celebrating the 35th anniversary and married life
Sat 12 Feb 2022


Bible reference(s): Ruth, Song of Solomon

Can you believe it has been 35 years since the release of The Princess Bride? A film that has transcended generations. Inconceivable.

Interestingly, this film made me see the value of marriage even though the wedding scene tries to make a mockery of it. Showing some of the beautiful relational elements of a healthy marriage between a man and a woman.

Communication, trust, pursuing the one you adore and true love.

Even though this world does not want to admit it, God had a great plan when he created marriage. He wants it to be spiritually robust, exciting, romantic, and fulfilling. It is all over the Bible, you should read up on it.

If you are struggling in your marriage, the Bible has the answers too. If you are looking for something to bring you and your spouse together. Give Ruth or the Song of Solomon a read… there you can find love, true love.

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