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Good Neighbours

Love your neighbour as yourself

‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’

In the Tom Hanks film A Man Called Otto, his character lives in a street filled with identical homes. As the film unfolds, we learn that he used to be an instrumental leader in the housing community but has become increasingly unfriendly and uncaring of his fellow neighbours.

That is until his new neighbours inject some much-needed colour into his black-and-white world.

It is here where we begin to see the value of neighbourly love.

You know, Jesus taught about the importance of loving one’s neighbours. He stated that loving your neighbour is one of the greatest commandments from God. Also, he shared the parable of the Good Samaritan, in which he taught that neighbourly love extends beyond nationalities, ethnicities, religion and relationship. What a challenge for us all.

It made me think about how I am doing at loving those around me. How about you, neighbour?

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