God is a romantic | Third Space

God is a romantic

Could the creator of love be the creator of romance too?
Sun 26 Jun 2022
Bible reference(s): Ruth, Song of Solomon, Psalms, Proverbs

When it comes to romance, God doesn’t usually come to mind as a purveyor of love.

Most people inside and outside the Christian faith may think that discovering real romance can only occur outside the Bible.

It’s an unfortunate misconception because as the Creator and God of love, it can be said that romance was his idea all along.

From the original creation account to the wisdom literature of the Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Solomon, the word pictures and phrases make for an atmosphere for romance.

Like any relationship, God does set a standard and parameters for love.

These are not limitations but a beautiful combination, set by the Creator of romance that allows for an amazing atmosphere for love between a man and a woman.

Oh, Song of Solomon, well that might be best suited for the married adults in the room…
