Everything and Nothing | Third Space

Everything and Nothing

When you think you have everything, where do you go for satisfaction?
Sat 10 Feb 2024



When you have everything this life has to offer, where do you go for satisfaction?

In the recent films of Elvis and Priscilla, both stories show different portrayals of the lives of the Presleys—people who seem to have all that the world has to offer: money, fame, relationships and a lifestyle that others envy.

Yet, within this world of plenty, this married couple seems dissatisfied with what they have been given and looks for satisfaction elsewhere. Their lives all seem to be chasing after the wind...

Realistically, times have not changed since Elvis reigned over the music world, or even thousands of years prior, when Solomon said the words:

"Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless" in Ecclesiastes.

This book of wisdom addresses this existential angst we all experience. Also it gives a surprising answer that is worth considering;

specifically that God is really the only place where you can find satisfaction in this life.

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