Are good gifts all just rubbish? | Third Space

Are good gifts all just rubbish?

One gift stands above all others
Fri 21 Apr 2023


Bible reference(s): Philippians 3:8

Have you ever missed taking the bins out for the weekly collection?

Nobody likes rubbish. The smell can be awful, and it takes up heaps of space.

In our bins are the parts of life we deem...worthless.

In the Bible, Paul the apostle speaks about

everything he has gained in life as being rubbish when compared to the value and treasure of knowing Jesus in a personal way (Philippians 3:8).

It might feel impossible to imagine the gift of knowing Jesus as being better than a good job, or owning your dream home, or being in the most fulfilling marriage or friendship. That's not to devalue all the good gifts that God gives us in life to enjoy,

but it is a shocking comparison that is meant to highlight the absolute gift God gives us in Jesus.

Perhaps today, or even this week, you'd might like to pray to God and ask Him to help you see Jesus as the most precious and worthy gift in life.

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