
⭐️ ⭐️ (out of 5)
The brand Pop-Tarts has a special place in the hearts of generations of breakfast connoisseurs worldwide. These foil-wrapped treats that have no nutritional value, but are unexpectedly delicious as they come hot out of the toaster can prove addictive. Yet, most of us may not know that Post and Kellogg's cereal companies had a war getting these toaster pastries to market in the 1960’s. A story untold until Jerry Seinfeld got his comedic hands on it and decided to tell the story in the only way Seinfeld knew how.
In Battle Creek, Michigan, an unknown corporate war raged for years as the two cereal giants had been battling for the breakfast bowls of Americans for years. Bob Cabana (Seinfeld- loosely based on true-to-life executive William Post), has had a successful run as head of marketing and development over their competitor. Until Marjorie Post (Amy Schumer) announces that her company will introduce a revolutionary breakfast product to the market, a toaster pastry named Country Squares. Cabana brings this announcement to Edsel Kellogg III (Jim Gaffigan), who throws all of the company’s resources into finding a rival brand that will get to market at the same time as their competitor’s product. With the help of NASA food scientist Donna Stankowski (Melissa McCarthy), their unlikely team gets to work on the race to introduce the Pop-Tart to the world.
There is a true story to be told amongst the ridiculous excursions of the Kellogg’s and Post executives. Still, this film is a nostalgic look at a different era that will be heartwarming to some. At the same time, it may be flat for anyone who can’t remember a world of Gyroscopes, Sea Monkeys and Silly Putty. Seinfeld leans into the slapstick, farcical side of this story that is reminiscent of the comical stylings of the decade of films that constantly gave a knowing wink to the viewer. He tells the historical and absurd nature of selling cereal to the American populace in the 1960s and brings in every comedic talent from Saturday Night Live alumni to all the Netflix stand-up comics from the past few decades, plus the actor du jour, Hugh Grant as the actor to play Tony the Tiger. The legendary comedian’s directorial debut is reflective of the Pop-Tart itself. The pastry and film arrive sweet and hot but get stale if they sit on the plate too long. Both may prove to be initially sentimental to many. Still, carrying the story in a feature-length film is not enough. All are rewarded by staying through to the end, as one highlight is the closing number, which showcases Meghan Trainor and Jimmy Fallon singing Sweet Morning Heat and the cast dancing along.
Unfrosted Has the look and feel of the cameo-laden films of a bygone era with a bit of the Seinfeld flare. The product placement and the willing cast make the most of this preposterous retelling of a corporate battle for the hearts of the American breakfast table. Yet, everyone involved gives their all to this passion project of one of the greatest comedians ever. A sweet tale that may not have any nutritional value but will prove tasty to those who enjoy remembering those silly things that defined their childhood.
Reel Dialogue: Laughter is a gift from God
Jerry Seinfeld has constantly stated that comedy is dying as an art form. Yet, will humanity ever lose the need to laugh? The argument is that we are wired for laughter and humour by a creative God.
From the beginning of God’s story, we can understand that we are created in His image. This isn’t a joke; this idea is for those willing to consider that some of the things that are given to mankind by God are our emotions and our outward expressions. Initially, one would think of love, joy, and sorrow as some of the traits we share with the creator of the universe. All of these are beautiful aspects, but this statement means that God has a sense of humour and even laughs.
He who sits in the heavens laughs… Psalm 2:4
Evidence of this is found in the Bible, where it says throughout the Psalms and Proverbs that God laughs. It usually occurs due to mankind's foolishness, but he does laugh. The Bible shows mankind that we are allowed to express ourselves similarly.
As a form of emotional release, an expression of joy, or even to laugh at a well-told joke, laughter is a gift from God that is underutilised in so many people's lives, which is unfortunate. Laughter is a gift that should regularly be opened to be genuinely appreciated. That is no joke!
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. - Psalm 16:11
Reach out to us at Third Space to discuss this and other topics from Unfrosted in more detail.