Fear of the Future | Third Space

Fear of the Future

Taking fear of the future to The Edge
Wed 18 Mar 2020
Bible reference(s): Matthew 6:25-27

The Edge: Fear of the Future

It’s 2020, and with uncertain political structures, exponential technological innovation, the growth of extremism, and the cascading effects of climate change, many of us have a creeping sense that things might be escalating beyond our control.

Do these developments fuel greater anxiety and uncertainty in us than things did in previous generations? How can we face the future without a numbing sense of fear?

Check out the talks from Dr Sam Chan (City Bible Forum) and Hon. Stephen Mullighan MP (Shadow Treasurer SA) as they give their perspectives on what pushes our buttons about the future. After the talks, be sure to hear the panel discussion that follows the talks.

Moderator: Craig Broman

You’ve listened to the panel with others, now try and take it further.

What is fear?

1. Should we fear fear, does it serve any worthwhile purpose?

2. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom . ( Proverbs 9:10 ) What does it mean to appropriately fear or respect God? How could that help you become wiser?

3. How might escalating fears expose your values? Eg: panic buying.

Taking responsibility

1. Some have suggested that this virus is as much a test of us as a society as it is of govts, health authorities. Can we pull together as a community rather than operate in an individualisitic way.

2. What does it mean to show leadership in a crisis? Think broadly about those responsible for a team at work, for parents with families, etc.

Christian Faith

1. If God is supposed to be in control why is there a coronavirus in the first place?

2. In Matthew 6:25-27, Jesus addresses worriers, effectively covering Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. What is his reason to not worry?

Is it practical advice?

Managing Fears

People have already demonstrated creative ways of managing their fears eg: the Italians in lock down, singing with one another across their balconies. Come up with some new ways to overcome the isolation this virus brings.
