The Transition Group is open to workers of all ages across Australia. The group is designed for office workers/professionals who have been affected through job loss or who are concerned it may affect them. We believe many of the issues we face are similar regardless of our industry backgrounds. It is now more important than ever that we come together to encourage and support one another. If you feel that you would benefit, then please attend.
The Transition Group has been an excellent support for those who are between roles. We have recently enjoyed input from Sam Chan and Al Stewart on topics such as betrayal, trust, patience, anger, relevance and rest. This phase can be a roller coaster of emotions and also pose relational strains. Hearing from fellow group members who are experiencing similar issues is a solace and encouragement to persevere.
Our group currently meets on Zoom. We meet once a fortnight at 8am on a Tuesday, for 90 minutes. After initial introductions, we hear from a guest speaker on a topic of relevance. The floor is then open for comments and questions posed to the group. We seek to keep discussion groups to no more than eight people so we utilise break out groups to enable more interaction.
The Transition Group has been meeting for about three years and during this time we have supported many people. Group members are able to share within the confidence of the group and find support from the common experiences and understanding of fellow members.
Our group is led by Kok Kong Chan. Kok Kong began his career in the Corporate Advisory business of Arthur Andersen, before becoming the CEO of a start-up, HeartScan Asia. As a search professional since 2000, he has worked with Boards, CEOs and CFOs across Asia Pacific. He has led a successful CFO practice for almost a decade and was a senior member of an Asia-Pacific Board Practice. He has also led many significant CEO and Executive Assessments, and advised Chairs, Board members, CEOs and CFOs on various leadership issues.
To find out more or to express interest in attending, please send an email to Peter Kaldor