The Last Rider

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (out of 5)
In the post-Lance Armstrong era, many sport fans may have forgotten that another American had legitimately won the Tour de France not once but three times. Greg Lemond was not only the first and only American to win the Tour but also the first non-European professional cyclist to take home the coveted title. Yet, his story contains even more significant layers that have finally been told in Alex Holmes’ documentary.
Greg grew up in the mountains of Nevada, where his family became bicycling aficionados. As a young cyclist, the youngest Lemond started showing his skills on the bicycle and eventually got the attention of European teams. This led to his inclusion in some of the most exclusive squads on the European circuits, and he became a key figure behind many of the sport's legends. He didn't make a name for himself until he broke free from the pack in 1986 and won his first Tour de France. Still, the race took a toll on him psychologically and physically which led to his rehabilitation at home in the US. Then during a hunting outing, the cycling champion was shot and barely recovered from the injuries. Would Greg be able to return to cycling?
His story is a compelling display of human courage and determination. Despite being well documented in the record books, we will encourage people to get along to the film instead of spoiling the rest of this incredible story. Shown through the lens of vintage footage and interviews with Greg, his devoted wife, Kathy, and other significant figures from this era in cycling. Holmes unpacks this young family's fascinating journey to help the former champion find his way back into the sport. Also, how Greg would become part of one of the most historic sports events as a participant in the closest Tour to ever occur. Even if audiences are unfamiliar with the world of cycling, Greg Lemond’s story is accessible and one of the most inspiring on record.
The Last Rider is a must-see for anyone looking for a motivational and true-to-life tale of the human spirit.
Reel Dialogue: The beautiful bonds of marriage
"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man." - Proverbs 3:3-4
One thing that stands out about this film is the undeniable depiction of the love between husband and wife in Greg and Kathy Lemond. It is evident that this story is of one man’s achievement on a bicycle; this film also shows how this couple achieved everything on screen together as a family. The pair get equal screen time, and each is encouraged to share their side of these stories and how these events affected them while showing that they needed one another throughout the journey.
The Last Rider is a film about a cyclist and the amazing achievements he performed. Yet, it also shows how marriage is truly a gift that can complement all of life. Even if Greg had not achieved these outstanding feats of athleticism, Kathy would have been there for him at the finish line. Their story shows how God’s gift of marriage is truly a blessing. When protected and valued, it can stand life's challenges and benefit the couple and everyone around them.
"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." - Matthew 19:6
The word becomes film
Russ Matthews' new book is a modern-day parable that introduces a radically easy way of talking about God’s story
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