The Fall Guy

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (out of 5)
After the success of Barbie and Oppenheimer, there is no wonder that Hollywood would want to tap into the magic between Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt. Despite celebrated careers between them both, this past year took their star power to new heights in two blockbuster hits. To follow up the successes of their recent films, action-director David Leitch (Bullet Train, Atomic Blonde) has this explosive pair in the love story of the season that not only packs a punch but also has more stunts than any fan could ever yearn to see.
Filmed throughout Sydney before the recent Writer’s/Actor’s strike, the crew were seen from the Opera House to the beaches of this beautiful city. Jody Moerno (Blunt) is filming the latest sci-fi romance with the biggest star in Hollywood, Tom Ryder (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), in the lead role. When Tom goes missing, the film’s executive producer, Gail Meyer (Hannah Waddingham), calls in former stuntman Colt Seavers (Gosling) to help on set and to do his best to find the missing star. This solution produces as many problems as it does results since he is Jody’s former boyfriend, and it was during the last Tom Ryder production that the action choreographer was severely injured. Yet, Colt decides to come out of retirement and head to Sydney to help save the movie. Still, it doesn’t take long for him to realise that there is more to Ryder’s disappearance than he is led to initially believe.
As The Fall Guy opens the upcoming season at the cinemas, it goes without saying that David Leitch’s film captures the definition of a popcorn blockbuster. With two of the industry’s most bankable stars in this bizarre, twisted love story, more student coordination than any film should be allowed to have on set, and the coolest dog to hit cinema screens in years, the Australian kelpie, Jean Claude, this should get people back to cinemas. The dialogue would be cringe-worthy coming out of the mouths of anyone else besides Blunt and Gosling. Yet, the pair make it work and look like they are enjoying every moment. Even though there are too many monologues for one film, they get drowned out with the over-the-top action sequences. Aaron Taylor-Johnson seems to enjoy taking the perceived persona of film stars to the prima donna level, and Hannah Waddingham embodies the meddling producer with convincingly comedic depth.
These stars will draw the crowds in on opening weekend and over the months ahead, but they are not the driving force behind Leitch’s film. This story honours, celebrates and highlights the stunt people of the industry. The screenplay has character development, comedy, romance, and mystery to keep things moving. Yet, the finely choreographed stunt and standard-baring action sequences carry this prediction through until the unexpected conclusion. As this movie unfolds within a movie storyline, it cannot be denied that Leitch’s film is meant to draw the world’s attention to the value these performers bring to the movies and how their stories are worth telling.
The Fall Guy is bombastic, explosive, funny, romantic, and completely unbelievable. Still, this project knows exactly what it is, and as it barrel rolls its way into theatres, audiences will want to come along for the ride, again and again.
Reel Dialogue: Is there anyone you can trust in this life?
Trust. It is a word that is essential for human relations to flourish. The challenge is to know who to trust. Throughout The Fall Guy, the question comes back to knowing who to trust when things aren’t what they seem. Throughout this action-packed mystery, it is difficult to know who is telling the truth and who is on the side of good.
This can be said of real life, too. Unfortunately, even the people closest to us can let us down, and confidence in our fellow man can be tested. It is easy to realise that even those closest to us can eventually fail in this area. Yet, what is known of the God of the Bible is that he is the only one who is trustworthy. If you are looking for someone to trust, how about picking up the Bible and finding the only truly trustworthy being in existence?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. - Proverbs 3:5