The purpose of this brief announcement is to inform anyone associated with City Bible Forum of the plans we have enacted in response to the current health crisis.
City Bible Forum is heeding all public health advice and government regulations with respect to personal safety, including how we hold events and encourage safe practices to avoid transmission of the coronavirus. In some instances, this will mean cancelling or deferring events and enabling alternative modes of participation in our activities. A number of small groups and prayer teams will be shifting to virtual meetings.
At this stage our offices remain open.
The contact details for our local city leaders are available below and here, should you wish to discuss specific events or activities. You may also contact me directly.
These are clearly very unsettling times and it is understandable that many people are anxious. City Bible Forum staff are eager to assist you in any way possible. We believe that there is hope in the midst of uncertainty and fear. The frailty of the human condition points us to the one who is in control of all things and who loves us.
Peter Kaldor, Managing Director
Adelaide - Peter Kaldor | Brisbane - David Pitt | Canberra - Leon Hribar | Hobart - Wilbur Longbottom | Melbourne - David Chan | Sydney - Mark Leong | Perth - Léni McMillan