2 out of 5 stars
Throw another burger on the grill and let’s see if the Belcher family can carry a full-length film. It is no surprise that this animated family would make their way to cinemas after 12 seasons and winning Emmy Awards and numerous other accolades. The Fox series may not have the same notoriety and worldwide fame as The Simpsons, but the animated comedy may garner new fans with this venture onto the big screen.
For all of the viewers who have never heard of the Belchers, they live above their burger joint in a seaside town, trying to make ends meet. Bob (H. Jon Benjamin) and Linda (John Roberts) are doing all they can to pay their business loan and rent. Meanwhile their three children continue to go to school as the summer holidays are around the corner. Until a water main bursts in front of their restaurant, which makes it impossible for customers to even get in the front door. Especially when a skeleton of a local carnival worker is discovered in the sinkhole, everything seems to point towards the demise of their burger-flipping dreams. This is until the Belcher kids begin to look into the mystery unearthed in front of their home. The hope is to find the answers to this mystery before the bank forecloses.
Even if you are not a fan of the long-running cartoon adventure, a few things may make this appealing, or maybe not. Unbeknownst to most, one thing that differentiates this television series adaptation is that it is a musical and an unassuming murder mystery. Not to forget that the whole show is an off-beat comedy about a quirky, but loveable family. If it is possible to get your head around those elements, this is truly a project for Bob’s Burgers devotees. Most of the in-jokes and characters are only familiar to those who have faithfully watched the show throughout the years.
As someone who has not watched one episode of the comedy, most of the film fell flat on the lack of expectations. There was enough humour to justify this as a beloved television show and may even inspire someone to go back in the archives and watch a season or two. Yet, despite including the voice talents of Academy Award-winning actor Kevin Kline (The Starling) and the peculiar style of Zach Galifianakis (The Hangover), there was not much justification for the existence of this film. The majority of the story could have been relegated to a sitcom’s episode, instead, they stretched it out over 102 minutes which meant it was about 82 minutes too long.
The Bob's Burgers Movie may be on the menu for fans of the show and could have been better with a side of fries. There is little to inspire a new customer to walk through the door and enjoy this movie, unless it motivates you to grab a burger afterward. Still, it might be worth skipping the movie and heading to the local burger joint. You might enjoy more of your meal.
REEL DIALOGUE: Do we take our families for granted?
Unfortunately, in some modern parenting philosophies, the goal can be to shield children from the realities of life. One of the results of this methodology can make it easy to minimise the value of family. Understanding that life involves suffering, the family can be the salve that soothes the pain of life. The application process may sting a bit at first, but the family can bring comfort throughout life's experiences. Today is a good day to look around and be thankful for the families we have been given.
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. - James 1:2-4