Tough Questions, Real Answers | Third Space

Tough Questions, Real Answers

It’s possible to have real conversations with real people who really think differently to us
2 Aug 2023
Rachel Gilson
Rebecca McLaughlin
St Andrew's Cathedral School
474 Kent Street, Sydney
Attend in person

“Many of my friends think Christianity is against the things they care about the most. My friends care about racial justice. They see the ways in which Christians have engaged in slavery and racism and they assume that Christianity is against racial justice. My friends hear Christians say that Jesus is the only way to God, and they think this is arrogant and offensive to those who were raised with other religious beliefs. My friends think people should be able to date and marry whomever they want, but Christianity says that it’s no okay to marry someone of the same sex. My friends are excited about the discoveries of science, and they think that believing in a Creator God is the opposite of believing in science. My friends believe that women are equal to men, and they think Christianity puts women down. My friends see all the pain and suffering in the world, and they think there couldn’t possibly be a loving God in charge.”Rebecca McLaughlin

Two of the best Christian speakers in the world today want to tell you something: it’s possible to have real conversations with real people who really think differently to us. If Christianity is true, it can stand up to scrutiny. It can take the hits. Rebecca McLaughlin, author of 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (And Answer) About Christianity and Rachel Gilson, author of Born Again This Way: Coming Out, Coming to Faith, and What Comes Next are ready to answer your tough questions, because Christianity has the answers. And they’re beautiful.

This event is for youth and school chaplains/teachers only. We will not accept registrations for adults who are not connected with a school or youth group. Youth must be in attendance with an adult leader/teacher.

This event is brought to you in partnership with Undeceptions.

Please contact David Pitt for further information.
