How Christmas reveals the secrets of success | Third Space

How Christmas reveals the secrets of success

Amy Brown shares why Christmas reveals the secrets of success.
5 Dec 2023
Amy Brown
NSW Government Workplace Campus
6 Parramatta Square, Parramatta

Registration is free

Amy Brown is no stranger to success. As the former Chief Executive Officer of Investment NSW with a 25-year career in law, finance, consulting and government, she understands what it means to search for success and struggle with success. When it comes to the secrets of success, however, she points to Christmas. What has Christmas got to do with success? Come and find out as Amy helps us uncover the true meaning of Christmas.


  1. Attend in-person (free) from 12:30pm to allow check-in at reception & light refreshments.
  2. Attend online (free) from 1:00pm (MS Teams details will be emailed to you after registration).

Hosted by Christians in Public Sector and Third Space.

Please contact Martin Chung for further information.
12:30-13:00Check-in at reception & enjoy light refreshments (In-person only)
13:00 - 13:05Welcome and introduction
13:05 - 13:25Amy Brown
13:25 - 13:30Announcements
13:30 - 13:45Q & A
13:45 - 13:50Close
