Bridge Fellowship Sydney with Andrew Baartz
Pacific Equity Partners
126 Phillip Street, Sydney

The Bridge Fellowship are looking forward to hearing from Andrew Baartz at our next meeting. You can join either in person or via zoom.
Andrew has a remarkable personal and professional journey with a passion to bring together business and technology for meaningful social impact. As a former CFO, Innovation Director and expert in Mobile Tech that includes the patented AIRSCAPE technologies, Andrew will share his vision for serving the vulnerable and poor.
With a diverse background of commerce, theology, governance and innovation, Andrew remains dedicated to driving positive change across sectors. He currently serves as Head of Operations for Australians Together.
The Bridge Fellowship gathers and connects men around Australia to explore the intersection between life and faith. Open to all men regardless of their beliefs or background, we hear stories of adversity, courage, honesty, hope, failure and success.
Please join us in person for a light breakfast from 7am AEST. We will conclude by 8:30am AEST.
This session is also available online. If you are joining online, please be ready by 7:25am for a 7:30am AEST start.