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Bridge Fellowship with Dr Vidya Sagar Athota

Join us to hear from Dr Vidya Sagar Athota
Fri 7 Mar

Pacific Equity Partners
126 Phillip Street, Sydney

At the next meeting of the Bridge Fellowship in Sydney, we look forward to hearing from Dr Vidya Sagar Athota. You can join either in person (watch party) or via zoom.

Sagar is an Associate Professor and Discipline Lead in Management, HRM, and Sports & Recreation Management at the University of Notre Dame Australia, and a visiting faculty at the Indian Institute of Management, India. He holds a PhD from the AGSM, UNSW, and has studied Philosophy at Biola University. His expertise includes management diagnostics, personality assessment, emotional competence, and leadership skills. Sagar has consulted for Fortune 500 companies and is an academic affiliate at Rad Science Solution, USA.

Sagar has presented over 50 academic works worldwide and received several awards, including the Vice Chancellor’s Award and the Australian Business Deans Council Award, for excellence in research and teaching. He has published books such as The Search for Meaning in the Workplace, Managing Employee Wellbeing and Resilience for Innovation, and others, with a forthcoming book on workforce issues.

The Bridge Fellowship gathers and connects men around Australia to explore the intersection between life and faith. Open to all men regardless of their beliefs or background, we hear stories of adversity, courage, honesty, hope, failure and success.

Please join us in person for a light breakfast from 7am AEDT. We will conclude by 8:30am AEDT.

This session is also available online. If you are joining online, please join us for a 7:30am AEDT start.

Please contact David Pitt or one of our team for more information.