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Bridge Fellowship Brisbane

With Dominic Ward
23 Apr 2024

Boardroom, Creek Street Level
140 Creek Street, Brisbane City

Dominic Ward has been a member of the group in Brisbane for many years. Don't miss this opportunity to hear his story.

A reminder that the Bridge Fellowship* is open to all men regardless of their background. We explore the relevance of faith to everyday life, particularly through hearing the stories of other men as they navigate challenges at work and at home. It is a safe space to just listen or to dig deeper in our discussion groups. Please feel free to extend an invitation to others.

We'll be meeting in the boardroom inside the foyer area near the Concierge Desk. You're welcome to get a coffee and/or breakfast from Marco Polo (on the same level) from 7:00AM for a 7:30AM start.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

* Please note, for a number of years our men's fellowship has operated under different names in our capital cities. Going forward, we shall refer to all the Men's Fellowship activities as Bridge Fellowship. It is both a nod to the founding movement (previously Bridge Street Fellowship) as well as expressing our desire that the men's fellowship acts as a safe space, a bridge between the business world and the arena of faith.

Please contact David Pitt for more information.