Auckland: How to worry well | Third Space

Auckland: How to worry well

Join us to hear from guest speaker Dan Anderson
20 Aug 2024
Dan Anderson
Gaze Burt Lawyers
Level 5, 57 Symonds Street, Grafton, Auckland
Attend in person (includes free coffee!)

We live in an attention economy. The most valuable companies in the world are devoted to capturing your attention and monetising it. If attention is a limited and valuable resource, just how do you invest it wisely? How do we focus on the things that really matter? How can we most judiciously spend our ‘worry budget’ so that we may ‘worry well’?

Come along to our next Auckland City Legal on Tue 20 August, 7:30 - 8:30AM, and hear philosopher Dan Anderson unpack the surprising wisdom of Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount.

[If PayPal is taking too long to process your payment, we now have the option of paying cash on the day. To register that you are coming, simply email our Administrator: and include your name and the names of any guests that you are bringing along.]

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please contact Peter Wrench for further information.
