The Great Escape | Third Space
Stories that will take you to a whole new world

Travelling is not a possibility for the time being, yet it is the main thought they have on their minds. How can I escape and travel to a far-off land? Although it is impossible to leave our homes, it is not impossible to try to escape... 

With this spirit in mind, Reel Dialogue has put together some of the best films that will help you to escape. These stories provide the images and storylines that will provide you with some solace at this time. Some are classics, while others may be new to you, but each of them will help anyone to vicariously travel to the places and lands of their dreams. 


Russ Matthews | 5 Mar 2024
Sea Monsters Pixar style
Russ Matthews | 10 Aug 2021
'I want my MTV'
Russ Matthews | 7 Aug 2021
Play to the beat of a different drummer
Russ Matthews | 1 Aug 2021
Family fun on the Amazon
Caleb Boersma | 25 Jul 2021
Maybe don't go to this beach
Russ Matthews | 13 Jul 2021
An unexpected option for families to consider