Estuary Melbourne | Third Space

An estuary is a type of wetland where a river meets the ocean, the mixing of salty and fresh water creates a healthy natural environment. That's what makes this discussion special; a place where people feel comfortable discussing deeper questions without expecting that we will agree with each other.

We meet at two locations in Melbourne, St Kilda and near Flagstaff Gardens. To find out about times and topics Click below to go to our meetup.

Go to Meetup
Please contact Amy Isham for further information.
Our Discussion Protocol

We encourage you to

We trust you to to exercise:

Speak your mind

Courtesy to treat people with common decency

Speak with passion

Patience to not cross-talk or dominate

Contribute your knowledge

Humility to be open to learn from others

Debate with people who disagree with you

Curiosity to truly appreciate different ideas

Show kindness and consideration

Self-control by observing others' personal boundaries

Share your personal story

Discretion by keeping the confidences of others