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A weekly podcast and radio show exploring the bigger questions of life.
Photo taken during a Bigger Questions event

Bigger Questions is a weekly podcast and radio show. Hear guest interviews on the “bigger questions” of life, telling their story and reflecting on how a passage of the bible shapes their answers. Something fun and thoughtful all in under half an hour!

Live recordings of Bigger Questions have ceased. But you can still subscribe and catch up on previous episodes through iTunes or Stitcher or tune in via one of our wonderful radio partners.

After fresh content? Try our sister podcast Deeper Questions podcast. A longer form interview exploring deeper stories of life and faith.

Recent resources
Nicky Chiswell
An important conversation for our present age
Tim Costello
A national living treasure shares his story
Andy Prideaux
Bryn Weightman
Why do bad things happen to good people? Is God trustworthy?
Simon Angus
Be inspired to get a new perspective on life

Radio Partners

The Light Positive Radio

Previous Episodes
KK Yeo
Differences between East and West, cultural diversity and some bigger questions.
Tracy Trinita
Indonesia's first supermodel shares her journey
Peter Adam
Are you crazy busy? Why we're busy and some practical advice on how we can live amidst the busyness of life.
Dami Im
Singer Dami Im shares how she finds comfort, peace, and purpose